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via Terraria

  1. Open full map(press M or Full Map key)
  2. Double click somewhere to create a ping

The ping will be registered and visualized. Anyone near it will see the visualizations


Pings have a default life time of 15 seconds. At the time of writing, this is unchangeable, both in the vanilla client and the plugin

via API

Registering a Ping

using Terraria.Map;
using WorldVisualizerPlugin;

var ping = new PingMapLayer.Ping(position);

The above will register a ping that will expire approximately 15 seconds from now.

Showing Particles at a Ping

using WorldVisualizerPlugin;
using WorldVisualizerPlugin.Extensions;

var type = /* */;
var ping = WorldPingVisualizer.Instance.Pings...; // Do LINQ stuff or give index to list

type must be one of Particle Types

Showing Combat Text at a Ping

using WorldVisualizerPlugin;
using WorldVisualizerPlugin.Extensions;

var text = "PONG!";
var color = 0xFFFF00u;
var ping = WorldPingVisualizer.Instance.Pings...; // Do LINQ stuff or give index to list
ping.ShowCombatText(NetworkText.FromLiteral(text), color);
  • text can be any message. If you have experience with NetworkText, you can also use other types like FromFormattable and FromKey
  • color must be a uint representing the packed value of a Color in ARGB format.


    Use the hexadecimal notation, e.g.:

    • 0xFFFF00 for #FFFF00 or yellow
    • 0xFF00FF for #FF00FF or magenta
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