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.NET 5 and CLI

To make development easier, this project uses Paket as a dependency manager on top of NuGet. At the time of writing, TShock doesn't officially support NuGet packages yet, so the project acquires TShock dependencies over HTTPS. This project assumes you have the .NET 5 SDK and the dotnet CLI

.NET 4.7.2 Targetting Pack

The project targets .NET Framework 4.7.2. So .NET Framework 4.7.2 is required to compile this project via Visual Studio

Setup Dependencies

  1. Restore dotnet tools(run dotnet tool restore)
  2. Restore dependencies(run dotnet paket restore)

Compile w/Visual Studio

  1. Open WorldPingVisualizer.sln
  2. Build solution

Compile w/dotnet CLI

  1. Navigate to project root directory
  2. Run dotnet build

Get Compiled Files

  1. Navigate to src/WorldPingVisualizer/bin/{BUILD_CONFIGURATION}/ where {BUILD_CONFIGURATION} is either Debug or Release
  2. Do stuff with files
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